If you work with Forces children and families in a pre-school, school, club, HIVE or welfare setting, you can offer free Reading Force scrapbooks to children and families so they can take part in Reading Force.
Whilst Reading Force is primarily for families to enjoy at home, your setting or club can incorporate it into existing pastoral care and encourage families to take part.
Schools find offering Reading Force leads to stronger home-school links and pupils value the acknowledgement of their Forces life. School clubs report children love receiving their free books and chatting about their Reading Force activity with friends. HIVEs and welfare workers add Reading Force scrapbooks to pre-deployment packs and give them to families on family days and keep stock in the office for families.
Author visit in schools and settings
Holding an author visit in school is a great way to launch and promote Reading Force to children and families and get them enthused about shared reading. Many schools use their Service Pupil Premium toward hosting an event with Reading Force supplying books and scrapbooks. Get in touch if you would like us to help you organise an author event.

Reading Force in Action – How organisations take part
Harestock School, Hampshire
Staff at Harestock School keenly supported Reading Force to [...]
Broom Farm Community Centre, Windsor
We arranged a Reading Force family event at the [...]
Dedworth Library, Windsor
Jeanette Kemp of Dedworth Library invited local Service children [...]
Alexander First School, Windsor
Award-winning author Mini Grey visited Alexander First School to kick-start [...]
“The type of support and activities Reading Force provide have proved invaluable to communities…
…particularly during periods of deployment, a really hard time for some made all the better by Reading Force support. The work with schools and other community groups extends further the excellent work which HIVE is very pleased to support and will continue to promote Reading Force to our communities to share the benefits.”
Nikki Peterson, Head, Army HIVE (part of the Army Welfare Service)