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“Thank you so much for our book Reading Force, we have been having a great time reading and doing our scrapbook linked to the story. No TV, no distractions – family time!”
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“Some parents and carers find it challenging to manage their children’s behaviour when their partners are away on deployment….
…Sharing a book and encouraging them to do Reading Force with their child is an effective way of helping to ground children, soothe their complex feelings and channel their feelings into a positive and fun activity.”
Maz Burridge, HIVE Information Officer, RAF Odiham HIVE
Family stories – how Reading Force has helped
“We tell our Dad about our books when he’s away”
The Fleming family have done Reading Force several times, reading [...]
“Reading Force has very much helped my children get through this very long deployment”
We need to talk about Mr Stink! Nicky has [...]
“The scrapbook was a great motivator, thank you”
The Bryson family were living in Germany when they [...]
“A fantastic way to connect with family.. who are a long way away”
“We are the Donohoe Family, Dad Tom, Mum Fiona [...]
“Reading together when we can has helped with continuity.”
Key to the Reed’s experience was reading the same [...]
“Dad had to go to Afghanistan before we could finish it…”
Michael Edmonds is in the RAF. He was at [...]