“This book is a great way to escape from your own real life drama.”

//“This book is a great way to escape from your own real life drama.”
“This book is a great way to escape from your own real life drama.” 2018-09-28T15:49:52+00:00

Project Description

Every family’s experience of Reading Force is unique, but the Morgans’ journey stands out. Angela Morgan and her daughter Amie read The Beach Café by Lucy Diamond. Their completed scrapbook documents how Angela Morgan was diagnosed with breast cancer once they had started Reading Force. Having initially found the book hard to get into, Angela took the book with her to her hospital appointment, and whilst waiting for her test results read much of the book. With a positive diagnosis the book was left untouched for a couple of weeks, then whilst in hospital for surgery, Angela read more. Meanwhile, daughter Amie was reading to keep up with her mum.

One of Amie’s comments in the scrapbook is, ‘This book is a great way to escape from your own real life drama.’

Mum Angela wrote, “The book made me feel fantastic, uplifted, happy, romantic.” For the Morgans, Reading Force gave mum and daughter something to share and functioned as light relief during a tough and frightening time.