The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined)

///The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined)
The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined) 2022-03-03T16:53:13+00:00

Project Description

The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined)
Author: Jennifer Gray and Elisa Paganelli  Published: 2018

Ermine is a stoat-ally adorable heroine – smart, independent but child-like, she enjoys nothing more than exploring new cities and making new friends. Fresh from a sojourn in New York, she arrives in Sydney to stay with the city’s star opera singer, though she’s mostly in the company of the diva’s granddaughter Butterfly. The two have great fun together – though only Ermine’s quick thinking and quicker fingers save them from falling from the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge! A run in with a ruthless rival in the finals of Australia’s Most Awesome Animal Show allows for more excitement and comedy too. Jennifer Gray’s sprightly storytelling packs a huge amount into the short extent, and there’s lots readers will relish. Elisa Paganelli’s illustrations give Ermine the look of Audrey Hepburn, and this is a thoroughly stylish, well turned-out series.

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